I Have Fallen In Love With You

The first time I laid my eyes upon you, I was afraid to speak with you; when both of us talked to each other, I was scared to fall in love with you; now that I have fallen in love with you, I am terrified to lose you

The Wrong Person

I’m never afraid to fall in love. I am just scared to lose to the wrong person again.

Never Returning Back

I’m afraid of the night because night reminds me of you breaking up with me with the words of never returning back.

It Is Better To Be Alone

It’s better to be alone than with the man who has no respect and love for me. I don’t regret anything, I don’t regret all these years and relationship because it made me realize how much dignity, courage and strength I had. Now I’m not afraid to kick you out of my life. I should have broken up with you a long time ago.

You Just Become Smarter

When you jump on a cliff and reach rock bottom, you will be afraid to jump again—even a prince will say he will catch you. You just become smarter.

Grow Old With You

I’m afraid to grow old. I don’t want to see wrinkles on my face or count gray hairs on my head. But you know what? I want to grow old with you, baby. You are the love of my life.

No Boundaries

I’m not afraid to show my feelings, even though it makes me vulnerable. I’m not afraid to say I love you, even though you can’t say the same to me. I’m not afraid to be yours, even though you will never be mine. True love has no boundaries and no restrictions. True love is what I feel towards you.

Not Afraid To Lose People

I’m not afraid to lose people because actually I never lose them. The part of them stays with me, in my heart. I’m sorry darling, but we have to break up. I don’t think this is going to work.