The Feeling Of Loneliness

The problem with getting attached to someone is the feeling of loneliness when they leave you.

Happier With Her

I may not have been enough, but I hope you’ll be happier with her.

Love Someone Better

Let’s not be bitter and be cold towards each other and to other people. Let us remind ourselves of the lessons of the past so we can love someone else better.

Never Meant To Be

Even though I know we were never meant to be, I still love every second that I spent with you.

The Life We Planned

It’s hard letting go of the life we planned together.

I’d Be Better

I’ve never thought I’d be better after you left.

You Raised Me Up

I never imagined that the guy who raised me up would also be the one trying to drag me down.

I Will Love Someone

Our love was a different kind of love that I still want to hold dear. And one day, I will look back and tell myself I will love someone deeper than I have loved you.