I Won’t Be There

I won’t be there to do the laundry anymore. I won’t be there to cook you breakfast, lunch and dinner anymore. I won’t be there to take care of you anymore when you’re sick. I won’t be there to hug you anymore when you’re sad. I won’t be there by your side to cuddle you in the middle of the night anymore. So please, stay strong and take care of yourself. Because I’m starting to do the same.

All The Best In Life

Good luck. I hope you’ll do better at work. I hope you’ll spend more time with your family. I hope you’ll hangout with your friends and have fun. And I hope you’ll find someone else who treats you better than I ever did. I wish you all the best in life. I love you.

Treasure And Respect You

I will not burn our photographs and the gifts you gave me. I will keep them all safely in a box. I still treasure and respect you despite all the terrible things you did to me.

You Can Come Back

You can come back. I’ll take you back any time. No matter how much you hurt me.

I Was Once Yours

Don’t be sad because it’s over. Be glad because I was once yours.

Your Story

Just because I walked away doesn’t mean it’s the end of your story. I guess it’s just the end of my role in your story.

Wishing You The Best

The more you stayed with me, the more I felt how miserable you were being with me. So here I am, ready to let you go and wishing you the best no matter how much it hurts.

I Choose To Let You Go

I choose to let you go because I know that pain is only temporary. It’s better than seeing you suffer by staying with me.