Thank You That I Met You

I want to thank you because when I met you, you helped me be a better me. You are the one who helped change me. I did it all for you but it was too late. I will miss the great times we shared. We may not be together forever, but you made me feel that I am special in many ways. I will never forget the happy memories you gave to me. I am so happy that I met you. Take care always. Thank you.

Learn To Let Go

Sometimes you need to learn to let go, it is much better to be hurt and sad for a while than to be stupid in the long run.

Prove To Yourself

You don’t have to force yourself to love someone else to prove to yourself that you have totally forgotten him and moved on.

We End Up Saying Sorry

Saying sorry is for the things you will not repeat, not for the things you do again and again.

Learn How To Avoid

If you learn how to avoid the people who will not make you a priority, then congrats your brain is finally working.

Only In Post

There are some feelings that you can say only in the post.

Forever You Promise

The forever you promise me is like the lowering electricity bill, I can't even feel it.

Forget Youre Name But Not Memories

I will come to a point that I will forget your name, but not the happy memories you gave me.