I’m tired of dealing with your tantrums and drama. It is really impossible for me to bear with it anymore. I’m sorry but we really need to break up and be free from each other.
I tried my best to revive our dying relationship. But it seems like you don’t care at all. So, I’m saying goodbye to you forever!
Goodbye, the man I once loved. I truly loved you, but I don’t love you anymore.
I ignored the whole world for you. But I never thought you would ignore me for a better option. Thanks for playing with my emotions!
The things you have done for me will always earn my respect for you until my last breath. I truly have no harsh feelings for you!
You are an angel that I couldn’t keep to myself. It’s all my fault because I always ignored the blessings you brought with yourself!
For you, I rejected the entire world. But I never expected you to reject me.
We had a great relationship, but your cheating has filled it with bitterness. I can’t continue this relationship anymore. I’m sorry, I tried.