Lost In Your Eyes

I love to hear you talk and get lost in your eyes.

You Start My Day

You start my day with a smile and end it with so much joy in my heart.

The Joy Of Their heart

You know when a happy couple is happy if you can see in their eyes the joy of their heart. That means that they value each other more than anything in the world. They keep their love always young and never fading.

Just A Glance

I love how you send static throughout my body with just a glance and how you make my heart beat so fast with just a touch and how you make me feel loved with just a whisper of my name from your lips.

A Wonderful Partner

I am in love with the same person all over again. She is my everything. I love seeing her every morning when I woke up. I thank God for giving me a wonderful partner.

To Stay Forever

For a couple to stay forever they must consistently communicate to each other. They must know how to keep the fire burning. Never get afraid of being hurt. Love is a game. Play it better.

Ultimate Promise

Blessed are those couples who put God at the center of their relationship. When God is with you, no one can destroy you. That is God ultimate promise.

Your Name And Your Love

Even if destiny will keep us at a distance your name and your love for me were already tattooed in my spirit.