Me Without You

Me without you is like a body without a soul.

My Dear Husband

Look how far we’ve come! We met as two clueless individuals, groping our way into the world. We fell in love and overcame countless of trials that tested our relationship. Then, finally, here we are, husband and wife – you and me as one. No matter what comes rolling our way, as long as we have each other, we’ll make it through no matter what, my dear husband. I love my husband!.

You Became My Prince

I am not a believer of fairy tales or stories of superheroes. But when you walked into my life, everything has changed. You became my prince who swept me off my feet and my Superman who carries me whenever I’m at my weakest. You are my fiction who turned into reality. I love you.

A Person

For me, home isn’t a place. It is a person, and it is you.

Broken By You

If the heart was made to be broken, then I would gladly have it broken by you.

Better Versions

When we love, we always strive to become better versions of ourselves.

Imperfect Self

You are not perfect, but I find myself loving every bit of your most imperfect self.

The Weirdest Person

People find me weird but if being weird means being with you, then I’d gladly be the weirdest person in the whole wide world.