Our daily collection of love quotes will help you speak your partner's love language. We have all heard that old saying, "actions speak louder than words" but nothing is more magical than sharing your true feelings.

I would love to be with someone who is a coward and afraid. A coward to hurt me and afraid to lose me.

Thirteen signs you falling in love 13. You have to try hard to be mad at them. 12. You read their texts over and over again. 11. You walk really really slow when your with them. 10. You feel shy whenever your with them. 9. While thinking about them your heart will beat faster and faster. 8. While listening to their voice you smile for no reason. 7. When looking at them you can only see that person. 6. You start listening to slow songs. 5. They becomes all you think about. 4. You get high by from their smell. 3. You realize that your always smiling to yourself when you think of them. 2. You’ll do anything for him/her. 1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.
The emotions that come from new love may leave you feeling overwhelmed by excitement and anticipation. You may not be able to find the words to express your feelings. Let us help.
After some time together, that excitement can subside and you feel more secure in your relationship. This is such a special time as your relationship grows into a more mature love. It's just as important to share your love daily.

Do you know how hard your loved one works for you? It is why he still text you even when he knows you will not reply. He remembers you because you’re important to him.
I love quotes on new love and mature love and every quote that falls in between. I know that here you will find the perfect love quote to share with your true love.