You Make Me Happy

It may take a lot of energy to be sad, so I’ll keep on smiling because you make me happy.

You Are The Air That I Breathe

This feeling I have for you is more than just butterflies in my stomach. I feel waves of pure energy going through my body every time I see your face. You are the air that I breathe, love.

Fill You With Energy And Joy

I would follow you around the world. I would do anything for you. If you are sad, I will do everything I can to make you happy. If you’re tired, I will fill you with energy and joy. I’m completely yours and you should know that.

Waste My Time

I’m not going to waste my time and energy on you, so let’s just forget that we’ve even had a thing. I’m not interested anymore, and I will never contact you again. So should you. Good luck.

This Feeling I Have

This feeling I have for you is more than just butterflies in my stomach. I feel waves of pure energy going through my body every time I see your face. You are the air that I breathe, love.

Self Love

It’s time for new beginnings. So much is clearing out of your life. New energy is entering. You might be experiencing a lot of mental, physical, and spiritual transformations that’s unlocking new levels with yourself. Be patient and prioritize self-care and self-love right now.

Love Me Passionately

You are like an energy drink to me. When I kiss you, I feel so powerful. I love you and want you to love me passionately.

Love Is Energy

Love is felt beyond words and touch. Love is energy.