A Specific Person

So many people could catch your eyes, but a specific person could only capture your heart.

The Apple OF My Eyes

You are the apple of my eyes and the beat of my heart.

The Rainbow Of My Eyes

You are the rainbow of my eyes because you brought colours to my life.

The Very First Time

You stole my heart the very first time our eyes met.

The Language Of Love

As I look upon your eyes, the language of love is crystal clear.

I Have Fallen In Love With You

The first time I laid my eyes upon you, I was afraid to speak with you; when both of us talked to each other, I was scared to fall in love with you; now that I have fallen in love with you, I am terrified to lose you

Thank You For Loving Me

When I look into your eyes I clearly see love for myself. Thank you for loving me that much.

The Mirror Into My Soul

Every time I look at you in your eyes, I know right then that I have found the mirror into my soul.