My Heart Beats Fast

The reason why my heart beats fast is because of you.

The Love I Have For You

When I see you, my heart beats very fast, not because of fear, but for the love I have for you.

High Or Low

High or low, fast or slow, I will never let you go.

Many Different Ways

People fall in love in many different ways. For me, falling in love was like being struck by lightning. It happened unexpectedly fast, but right then, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

Who Breaks Up

If he has dated more than you can tolerate, maybe you ask who breaks up with who. If he does, then you better leave, fast.

They Will Be The One

Stop thinking that every time you meet someone, they will be the one; you fall in love so fast; I cannot keep track of how much time you have fallen out of it.