Fail At Love

You will fail at love if you force it.

To See My Worth

I think I finally reached the point where I don’t care anymore, I’m a good person, I can’t force people to see my worth.

Trust The Timing

If it’s meant to be, it will be. You won’t have to force, convince or worry over it. Let it flow, let it be, and let it come to you. You’re attracting everything you need. Trust the timing of everything.

An Immeasurable Force

Love is an immeasurable force which has no length, no depth nor weight. 💖

Love Is An Untamed Force

Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.

Make A Way To Show

You shouldn't force yourself on someone, if he loves you he will make a way to show you.

If You Force Someone

If you try to force someone to love you, it's like you're telling them that it's okay to deceive you.

Never Going To Happen

Don’t force things that you know are never going to happen.