Your Tears Hurt Me

I never get tired of listening to the stories that you tell me all day long, even if they sound the same, I love it when you are talking, smiling, laughing, and I never want to see you cry, because your tears hurt me. I love you!

Feeling So Much Pain

When I am not talking, it means that I am feeling so much pain and talking might burst into tears so I just kept quiet.

Just Kiss Me

If I'm watching your lips while you're talking to me, just kiss me.

I Smile

I smile like an idiot when I'm talking to you. Doesn't matter if it's in person or through text or anything else. I just smile because it's you.

Spend This Day With You

I want to spend this day with you doing nothing. Just talking, cuddling, hugging and loving you. Just you and me.

Be With Someone

Be with someone who wont, stay mad at you, who can't stand not talking to you and who's afraid of losing you.