Play A Game

Let’s play a game, the winner dates the loser. I know you are straight-up gorgeous, smart, and independent, and probably not interested in any kind of relationship right now, but I just had to shoot my shot.

Beautiful And Smart Woman

Who says I’m flirting? I’m just trying to let you know that you are the most beautiful and smart woman I have ever met.

Glad You’re Mine

You want to hear the truth? You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me feel silly, you’re smart, you’re a lot different from the other guys, your smile makes up my day. I really just like you a lot and I’m glad you’re mine.

Become Better

Past love teaches us many life lessons. It is designed to make us stronger and smart in the future. Learn to become better and even lovable this time by using not only your heart but also your mind.

You Make Me Laugh

You make me laugh. You make me smile. You're smart. You're different. You're sometimes awkward and a little crazy, but that's why I love you and I can never forget about you.

Be Strong

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.

Follow Your Heart

Always follow your heart, But take your brain with you too. Be smart.

Knows Who To Love

A smart man knows how to love but a wise man knows who to love.