Our daily collection of love quotes will help you speak your partner's love language. We have all heard that old saying, "actions speak louder than words" but nothing is more magical than sharing your true feelings.

The Road Of Life

The road of life is full of sharp and unexpected turns, and you never know for sure what is waiting for you there. I was so happy to discover a real treasure right behind the bend, and this treasure is you. I promise I will never trade or abandon you.

I Will See You Soon

It’s easy for me to wake up in the morning because I know that I will see you soon. I want to spend every second of my life with you, baby. You are the love of my life.

Time To Leave

Every day we meet a lot of people: some of them are just bystanders and some of them will join us and share our road. No matter how long they stay with us, there comes a time to leave. I’m really happy you were my companion for this period of time, but now I feel like it’s time to leave. Thank you for everything.

The emotions that come from new love may leave you feeling overwhelmed by excitement and anticipation. You may not be able to find the words to express your feelings. Let us help.

Every Time I Think About You

Every time I think about you, my heart starts beating faster. I’m under your spell and it doesn’t seem to end. And I wish it would never end. Because you are the only person on the planet, who makes me feel alive.

This Warmest Calm Feeling

Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. When you receive love, it fills you with this warmest calm feeling, but when you give it, it makes you even happier. Spread love and make other people happy, so you could be happy as well.

After some time together, that excitement can subside and you feel more secure in your relationship. This is such a special time as your relationship grows into a more mature love. It's just as important to share your love daily.

Some Broken Hearts

Some broken hearts will never be fixed, Some memories will never fade, Some tears will never dry, And my love for you will never die.

To Believe And Love

I believe that dreams come true. Not so long ago I dreamed about meeting the love of my life – and here you are. Together we’ll make our wildest dreams come true. All we need is to believe and love.

Reveal The Truth

I’m tired of hiding things inside. I’m tired of being overwhelmed with emotions. I’m tired of lying to myself, and now it’s time to reveal the truth. I love you. I know that you don’t feel the same right now, but I still hope that someday you’ll see me as something more than just a friend.

I love quotes on new love and mature love and every quote that falls in between. I know that here you will find the perfect love quote to share with your true love.

The Best Love Quotes of 2020

  1. Nobody ever gives the same amount of effort back to me, I always care more.
  2. Babe thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for making me smile like crazy. Thank you for everything.
  3. I love my husband. That man has the greatest hugs ever.
  4. A woman could love you to death and never talk to you ever again. Understand that.
  5. Stop checking up on them. Stop responding. Let them go in peace. What’s meant for you will find you. It's time to shift the focus. Focus on your goals, glow and grind.
  6. I love every part of you. You're the one I never want to leave.
  7. The most beautiful thing in the world is your smile and I become obsessed with how good it looked on you.
  8. I wish I could explain your eyes and how your voice sounds like butterflies to me. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how I feel so complete each moment I'm with you."
  9. I'd rather argue with you, than love someone else.
  10. Please stop sending men long paragraph after they hurt you. They don't care and nothing you say will guilt trip them into caring. Take your dignity and go.
  11. You're the first thought I had in the morning, and the last thought I had in the night.
  12. I am in love with you, with all of your beings. The showing concern, the jealousy, the way you love. It's only ever going to be you.
  13. Sometimes losing people makes you find yourself.
  14. I may never find words beautiful enough to describe all that you mean to me, but I will spend the rest of my life searching for them.
  15. You should know I'm smiling when I text you.
  16. Sometimes you have to put aside what you feel for them, and pay attention to what their actions are saying they feel for you.
  17. Love comes to those who still hope after disappointment, who still believe after betrayal, and who still love after they've been hurt.
  18. I always love you more than that, no matter how much I say I love you.
  19. Love is a gift from God and I have accepted this gift with open arms. I love you and promise never to leave you.
  20. Give yourself permission to walk away from anyone who half loves you.
  21. Everything you do is a source of joy for me. I can never be sad when I'm around you.
  22. I want to work with you alongside me on my own and I want you to work with me by your side. Life is no easy thing, let's do this together.
  23. I'm so thankful that I didn't end up with what I thought I wanted.
  24. Even if you push them away, people who truly loves you will always choose to stay.
  25. True love is when; she talks non stop and you're still interested in talking to her.
  26. Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.
  27. If I care for you, I'm going to be able to do something for you. I'll just go the extra mile for you as long as it puts a smile on your face.
  28. I want the kind of marriage that makes my kids want to get married.
  29. I don't ever want to go through another stage in my life again where I am telling a man how he should treat me.
  30. You're my first choice and my last option.
  31. My love for you knows no boundaries. You are the reason behind everything that is good in my life.
  32. Avoiding certain people to protect your emotional health is not weakness, it's wisdom.
  33. She was a ray of sunshine and like a prism, he took in all her light and made her even brighter, even more, colorful and vibrant; he made her sparkle with life.
  34. I'm so glad I found you in this messed-up world.
  35. I am physically, mentally and emotionally ready to enter a new phase in my life. I'm ready to grow and get better.
  36. It might take a year, It might take a day, but what's meant to be will always find It's way.
  37. Do you ever have that one person who only makes you happy when you see them in your notifications?
  38. It's time for new beginnings. So much is clearing out of your life. New energy is entering. You might be experiencing a lot of mental, physical, and spiritual transformations that's unlocking new levels with yourself. Be patient and prioritize self-care and self-love right now.
  39. Your love reminds me of the breathtaking colors of autumn and the sweet fragrance of spring.
  40. Be wise enough not to waste your time, patient enough not to settle, and strong enough not to force it.
  41. You planted seeds of love in my heart that has only ever seen thorns; every flower in this garden sings your name now.
  42. Never above you, never below you, always beside you.
  43. Eventually one of two things will happen; he'll realize you're worth it, or you'll realize he wasn't.
  44. Hold my hand and promise me something that you can keep for I have lost faith in love and stopped believing in forever.
  45. Growth means choosing happiness over history, and never looking back.
  46. Every shade that makes the horizon beautiful reminds me of you.
  47. I will love you till the very last star in this universe turns into nothingness.
  48. I know my husband loves me, because he puts with me, even when I'm moody.
  49. I don't know who needs to hear this, but being alone for a while won't kill you. It's better than that inconsistent person you keep letting stress you out.
  50. Love will find you; one way or the other and it will last forever.
  51. People ask me how the world will end, all I know is that mine will when you leave.
  52. No matter how attractive a person's potential may be, you have to date their reality.
  53. I promise to love you in this lifetime and the next and every single one left.
  54. My dear husband, I promise to always date and flirt with you every single day of our lives spent together.
  55. Sometimes the only closure you need is understanding that you deserve better.
  56. After everything you've been through, you are still shining and that's what magic is all about.
  57. My husband, the man who loves me beyond measure.
  58. Some people only come into your life to show you what love is not.
  59. Darling, your love is the kind that is talked about in metaphors and written into poetry.
  60. The worst kind of lying is when you are trying to tell me something unreal with a purpose too.
  61. Just like how the stars belong to the sky, a part of my soul will always belong to you.
  62. I may irritate you like no else does, because I love you like no one else can ever do.
  63. Crazy how personal growth can make you let go of the people you swore you couldn't live without.
  64. Even in this chaos, my heart sways to the gentle rhythm of your heartbeat.
  65. I saw the best and the worst of you and I chose both.
  66. Everybody talks about love like they know it when in reality, no one really does, honestly.
  67. Every minute will appear as years, if you depart from me but every year will appear like a minute if you're closer to me.
  68. I love you because I know you're always there, there to catch me when I fall, there to listen when I need you, there when I feel alone.
  69. I do not want to permit myself to love you when I know you are going to be lying to me too.
  70. I don't know why but I'm the happiest person when you smile and I get very upset when you are sad. I want to remind you that you matter to me. So always stay happy.
  71. I will love your imperfections with my imperfect heart.
  72. You don't lose a good man. You lose a man who's not good for you.
  73. Life gives us a lot of reasons to be upset and sad but behind all those try to find that one thing which make you happy.
  74. One of the best feelings in the world is when you're hugging a person you love and they hug you back even tighter.
  75. If I were to choose, I would have picked the bitter truth as opposed to those sugary false lies.
  76. A real man doesn't play with your heart. A real man values and takes good care of your heart.
  77. You are worth it. Always have been, always will you be. Worth more than a billion galaxies.
  78. I love you with all the life I have inside of me, from every tear I shed to every smile I beam.
  79. I find it so much easier than ever to accept you but in the end all you did was wrong to me.
  80. The sad truth is that lying, even just once would destroy everything you worked hard for.
  81. Successful long distance relationships don't just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.
  82. I promise you this, I will do my absolute best to give you everything I possibly can because you deserve the best and nothing less.
  83. Sadly, the only way some people will learn to appreciate you is by losing you.