My Prayer Partner

All the things that we do now are for our relationship to grow. I’m glad I have a partner who is so supportive. He is my prayer partner, my best friend, and my other half. I love him more than anyone.

One Of The Best Feelings

One of the best feelings in this world is when I realize that you keep me happy often enough.

The Wrong People

People try to find the best things with the wrong people only to end up failing so badly too.

Even The Best Things

Even the best things in this life can fall apart as we are now at the end of a relationship.

Best Thing About Me

You are the best thing about me.

We Had An Early End

We had an early end, you and I, though we thought we could have been the best for each other.

You Are The Best Thing

You are the best thing that God has given me.

The Best Of What I Am

You make me the best of what I am whenever I am with you.