Being Away From You

My body aches with the thought of being away from you.

Subtle Scent And Warm Body

I want to fall asleep next to you. With your shallow breathing, subtle scent and warm body.

The Feeling Of Waves

Whisper in my ear yet again how much you love me, I love the feeling of waves that it sends through my whole body.

Love Your Soul

Find someone who will love your soul more than your body.

The Waves Of Emotion

Whisper in my ear one more time how much you love me, I love the waves emotion it sends through my entire body.

All I Can

All I can offer you is my attention, my loyalty, my undying love, my body, my soul and my world.

Completely In Love With You

I am in love with your smile, your eyes, your voice, your body, your mind and your soul. Yes, you’ve guessed right: I am completely in love with you.

Behind My Smile

Behind my smile is a broken heart, behind my laugh I’m falling apart. Behind my eyes are tears at night, behind my body is a soul trying to fight.