My Boyfriend

I feel like you're so much more than just my boyfriend. You're the one person I need to talk to when I've had a bad day, the one person I can rely on not to judge me. You're my rock, my sweetheart, my best friend. To call you just my boyfriend would hardly give you justice.

A Good Boyfriend

A good boyfriend can't fix all your problems but he can promise you won't face them alone.

A Shattered Heart

The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.

An Ideal Boyfriend

An ideal boyfriend is not based on his looks, it's in his desire to make you happy.

My Everything

You're the best thing that ever happened in my whole life. I'm grateful that God sent you to be my best friend, my boyfriend, my lover, my husband, my everything. I love so much.

I Love My Boyfriend

I know this isn't much of a love story... but I love my boyfriend sooooo much!!!

Girlfriend And Boyfriend

A girlfriend is like a government, they have many prohibitions. A boyfriend is like a politician, they have many promises.