A Bad Break Up

A bad breakup is a wound mending itself. A bad relationship is a growing injury.

When A Break Up Happens

When a breakup happens, you see your world falling down around you. Each memory that you have built together one brick at a time, has tumbled down and lies at your feet. But this relationship that has been left in ruins is a chance to build something new and something better with someone who is new and better than your last relationship.

Start To Heal

After a breakup, the memories are fresh and the pain is still raw. But after some time, it all fades away and you start to heal.

Over This Heartbreak

As you get over this heartbreak, know that there is something better out there waiting for you.

The Break Up

The only thing to cry about is that the breakup did not happen sooner.

Let The Pain Make You Stronger

If you've had a break up, learn from it. Let the pain make you stronger. There's someone out there that isn't like the rest. You just have to keep looking and never give up hope.

The Only Way to Feel Peace

The only way to feel peace after a break-up is to quiet the thoughts about it.

When We Suffer A Loss

When we suffer a loss, a break up, a painful change in our lives, we need to remember to take all the time we need to heal emotionally. Moving forward and getting back on track with our lives doesn't take a day. It takes a lot of small steps to allow us to break free from our broken self and move on.