The More You Get Hurt

In love, no matter how you prevent yourself from getting hurt, the more you get hurt. Because avoiding love does not make you stronger. Being broken is.

The Sad Part Of Being Broken

The sad part of being broken is realizing we can never go back in time to prevent things from happening.

Through All Of The Pains

Through all of the pains that I have been through, I learned to smile with a broken heart and became so good at it that no one can tell I’m suffering.

Warm And Caring Person

You’ve taken a broken, lonely man and turned him into a warm and caring person. I never knew how capable I was of loving someone until I started loving you. I love you so so much.

With A Broken Heart Forever

The habit of thinking about someone who might not even be thinking about you stays with a broken heart forever.

A Broken Heart

Sorry does not fix a broken heart.

Love Is Like A Glass

Love is like glass; at times, it is better to sweep out the broken pieces rather than cut trying to fix them.

As brittle As Glass

Love is as brittle as glass; it can be fixed when broken, but a crack will remain.