Thank You That I Met You

I want to thank you because when I met you, you helped me be a better me. You are the one who helped change me. I did it all for you but it was too late. I will miss the great times we shared. We may not be together forever, but you made me feel that I am special in many ways. I will never forget the happy memories you gave to me. I am so happy that I met you. Take care always. Thank you.

I Regret

I regret that I did not take care of you, did not spend time with you and took you for granted. I guess it's too late for me to get you back. Now I just wish for you to be happy.

I Miss Being In Love

I miss being in love and having someone taking care of me. When I remember the pain, though, I feel like I'd rather miss love than to feel the pain again.

Make The Best Out Of It

Keep the one you love, treasure them, care for them, and make happy memories with them while you can. You never know how long you will be together. Always make the best of it.

Its Okay To Be Jealous

Sometimes it’s okay to be a little jealous, then you’ll know he cares for you.

Spending Time With You

I don't care if I don't have time for anything else as long as I'm spending it with you.

Being Simple Is Enough

You don’t have to be handsome or beautiful to have someone care for you. Sometimes being simple is enough to have someone to admire you.

God Gave The Right Person

If the time comes that God gives you the right person, remember to always take care and be there for them. God gave them to you for a purpose.