Like A Puzzle

We fit like a puzzle. You complete the missing part of me.

To See Your Face

I am excited to wake up every day to see your face that brightens and completes my day.

Complete Strangers

We used to be so close but now I felt we are being complete strangers to each other.

All Of Our Memories

All of our memories, our love, and your heart would forever hold a place in my heart and mind. I would keep it not just like a souvenir, but as a missing puzzle piece that would complete my rather incomplete life.

I Feel So Complete

I wish I could explain your eyes and how your voice sounds like butterflies to me. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how I feel so complete each moment I’m with you.

Make My Day Complete

Seeing you make my day complete and so I made a promise to myself that I’ll always be there for you no matter what.

You Are The Missing Piece

I wasn’t trying to find you, but you’re the missing piece that fits in my heart who makes my life complete.

So Complete

You make me feel so complete that I cannot survive a day without you by my side, love.