Glad You’re Mine

You want to hear the truth? You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me feel silly, you’re smart, you’re a lot different from the other guys, your smile makes up my day. I really just like you a lot and I’m glad you’re mine.

The Only Person

I can talk to a lot of people. But at the end of the day, you’re the only person I’m dying to talk to.

Every Morning

I can’t for the day where I’ll wake up with you beside me every morning.

Look Forward

I just want to thank you for being my reason to look forward to the next day.

Little Wish

An encounter with you is what I pray for before I start my day. Maybe, just maybe, God will be kind enough to grant this silly little wish.

The Best Part Of My Day

Seconds spent with you are the best part of my day.

Harder And Deeper

I love the fact that each day I am falling for you. Harder and deeper than the day before.

No One Knows

No one knows how much I cried that day.  😭💔