The Best Decision

You are the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

The Hardest Decision

I was faced with the hardest decision I will ever make in my life, to let go and move on.

Loving You Not My Choice

Loving you is not my choice. It is not my decision. It is my need. A prerequisite of living.

Stand Up And Move Forward

I want to congratulate you for the decision of moving on. It takes a lot of guts and strength to stand up and move forward.

The Fear Of Falling

Abandon your fear of falling. Give it try. It will be the best decision that you have ever made in your life.

You Will Understand

Moving on is not easy. But once you do, you will understand someday that it is the best decision you have ever made in your life.

The Old You

The past is only a collection of the old you – the decisions that lead you to who you are today, the mistakes that taught you painful and difficult lessons, the people who came into your life, some of them leaving you scars and you were never the same again. This should never hold you back, but only propel you to push further despite of the weight of a broken heart.

The Only Time

If I see you happy, then that would be the only time that I can say that letting you go is the best decision I have ever made.