We Met As Friends

We met as friends and feelings started to grow. Even though there is distance between us our love still grows. I love you for the man you are for the way you make me feel. Your smile lights up my world. Baby, my promise to you is I love you more today than yesterday but less than I will tomorrow. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Keep At A Distance

Just because they are avoiding you, doesn't mean they'll leave you. There are just things in life that you need to keep at a distance to avoid being hurt.

Two Things Might Happen

Two things could happen if keep someone at a distance. Either they will find you or they will forget you.

Measure My Love

If you're in a long distance relationship, don't measure the distance instead measure the love.

Love Is The Reason

Love is the only reason for two people to have a stable relationship. No matter how busy you are, no matter how far the distance is, if that someone really loves you, he'll find time to be with you.

The Farthest Distance

The farthest distance is when she is just beside you but you can’t tell her you love her.

Our Relationship

Our long distance relationship is killing me softly. I can’t wait till I see you again.


Distance Between Two Hearts

Distance between two heart can always grow stronger.