A Dream That Comes Alive

Love is a dream that comes alive when we meet.

Relationship Album

Create a photo album of your relationship. Start with the earliest photos and finish with the most recent ones. Be sure to leave plenty of room at the end for future photos and surprise your mate with the album. You may even set up a photo shoot to have professional portrait made to add to the album. Look through it together often to remember the earliest days of your relationship and to dream about the future.

Don’t Let Me Hope

Don’t let me hope and dream of your love. Don’t let me fall if you don’t plan to accept my love. Because I'm really falling deeply in love with you.

A Chance To Be With Someone

Know what I like most when I dream? When I get the chance to be with someone who is impossible to be with in reality.

This Sweet Dream

I love you with all of my heart, body, and soul. I am complete with you. You make my life worth living. To have known you, to be with you has been a beautiful dream. I can only hope that I never wake up from this sweet dream... I love you.