Share My Life And My Home

You are the only one in the whole wide world I want to share my deepest secrets and dreams with. What’s more, I want to share my life and my home with you. I want to give you as much love as my heart allows, and I really hope that you want just the same.

To Believe And Love

I believe that dreams come true. Not so long ago I dreamed about meeting the love of my life – and here you are. Together we’ll make our wildest dreams come true. All we need is to believe and love.

Happy And Excited

Every time I go to bed I feel happy and excited, because I know I will see you in my dreams. You being with me even when I’m asleep is such a blessing, for I can’t imagine a minute without you by my side. Please, don’t you ever stop appearing in my sweetest dreams. Love you so very much.

Even In My Sleep

I miss you even in my sleep. All my dreams are about you. And when I wake up in the morning the only thing I want to see is your angel face right in front of me. And your face is the thing I want to see when I fall asleep as well.

Dreaming About You

Do get tired of running around my sweet dreams? I can’t stop dreaming about you.

In My Dreams

You look so familiar… I think I saw you somewhere, probably in my dreams…

End Things And Break Up

I used to think you were the man of my dreams, but after all the pain and suffering you’ve given me, I don’t even want to see you in my nightmares. Let’s end things and break up. I never want us to see each other again.

Grow As One

When I look deep into your eyes, I can see our future together. My dreams are to be and grow as one.