Be Your Favorite

I want to be your favorite place to go when you’ve had a bad day or a good day.

Favorite Part

Your crazy talks and cute debates are a favorite part of my life, My love.

Loving You Is A Routine

Romancing you is my favorite hobby. I will never get tired of it. Loving you is a routine, I will never get used to it.

My Favorite Activity

Thinking about you has become my favorite activity.

What If

You'll always be my favorite 'what if'.

You Are My Favorite

One thing I’ll like to inform you is that, you are my favorite. I do love you!

My Favorite Everything

I am very indecisive and always have trouble picking my favorite anything. But, without a doubt, you are my favorite everything.

My Favorite Place In World

I love gazing in your eyes and my favorite place in the world is lying in your arms.