So Empty

The bed where you lie is all made up. It feels so empty.

Love Someone

When you love someone, you want to be near them all the time and I know how that feels.

Hypnotized By You

Every time you look into my eyes, it feels like I am being hypnotized by you because I just can’t seem to let go of you.

I Miss You Everyday

Some people believe that if a person really misses someone, the chances are, the object of their love feels the same way about them. I am pretty much sure that it is impossible for you to miss me as much as I miss you every day.

When Love Is Blind

When love is blind, our heart only does what it feels.

My Heart Feels

My heart feels so animated now that you’re inside it.

For All The Time

I want to be in your arms because even my soul feels peaceful. I thank God that you are my husband and I believe that you will always be there for me. And I will also be there for you all the time.

I’m Homesick

Your arms around me feels like home. I'm homesick.