Watch You Sleeping

Sometimes I wake up at night just to watch you calmly sleeping, and thank God that every night I am sleeping next to you.


You don't need reasons to make it right. There are events in your life that happen so you can see what's wrong.

God Is Truly Great

God is truly great, he knows where people will be happy, where they can cherish and truly love, even the heaven here on earth. No wonder he placed me near you.

Stage Of Moving On

The stage of moving on is the most exciting part of a relationship. It is when you realize you are strong enough to handle such a painful encounter. You are bound to think that there is only one, who truly loves you. That is God.

God Gave The Right Person

If the time comes that God gives you the right person, remember to always take care and be there for them. God gave them to you for a purpose.