Worth Fighting For

Sometimes I tell myself to give up and just move on, but then i realized that I cant just give up my happiness without fighting for it, after all its worth fighting for.

Not All About Happiness

To love is not all about happiness. You should be ready to cry, ready to hurt, ready to sacrifice all. Most important, you should not give up.

For Being Mine

Thank you for making me laugh when I am sad, for making me feel needed when I am lonely, for filling me up with happiness when I feel empty.. and most of all thank you for being mine.

Power Of Love

Love can hurt but it can also heal; Love is hard to find though it's never been blind; Love can sometimes be tiresome however, it makes sure you're unharmed; Love can make you sad or mad but it's a feeling you'll be glad to have. Love may quench a friendship though it builds a stronger relationship; Love can make you cry but I tell you, it's worth a try Love requires no fame so bear no shame; Love needs sacrifices definitely though, it endures supreme happiness.

Secret Love

Everyday I see you I feel so much joy. Every time you walk closer it feels like I’m melting with happiness. I don’t know why I love you or how you captured my heart. What will I do so you notice me? How should I tell you that I have a secret love for you?

Be A Pen Or Eraser

If you can’t be a pen to write my happiness, can you at least be an eraser to erase my sadness?

I Want To Go Back

I want to go back to the day I first met you. Not because I want to change it. But to feel again the happiness I felt the first time I saw you.

You’re The Reason

You’re the reason I smile, the reason I laugh, the reason I’m happy. You are my life and I thank God I found you. I think I will just keep on dreaming until I can be with you again.