Heal My Broken Heart

Time may heal my broken heart. But it can never erase your memories from my head. Our paths are divided, but my love for you will remain the same!

I Feel Our Heart

Whenever you hold me in your arms, I feel our heart beating together as one, and that the best feeling I’ve ever had in life.

To Make Decisions

Sometimes in life, you have to make decisions, sometimes those decisions break hearts.

My Most Precious Half

Two hearts met midst of the thousands wandering the world. How blessed am I to have found you, my most precious half.

A Long Distance

A long distance is between us but nothing can stand between our hearts.

Our Love

Our love needs no words because our hearts speaks in our behalf.

After All

After all the hearts I broke, I never expected that you would be the one fixing mine.

Two Joined Hearts

My heart belongs to you and yours mine. There is no earthly possession that can match the preciousness of two joined hearts.