I Can Only Hope

You brought colors, sparks, and fluttering butterflies in my stomach – all of that and more into my life. I can only hope that I can return you the same favor that you have given me.

The Best Of Everything

I am not the most romantic guy in the world. In fact, I don’t think I’m a romantic person at all, but I really want you to have the best of everything. I hope you know that.

Let Us Stay Together

I feel blessed. Let us stay together for the rest of our lives is all that I pray, and I hope that you feel the same way.

The Way You Want It To

Maybe the past did not turn out the way you want it to, but I hope your future will.

The Right Words To say

If only there are the right words to say for when I want to tell you that I love you – there aren’t any right words or phrases for this, and I can only show you through my actions and hope that you understand.

You Are My Knight in Shining Armor

Every time I hear a love song I immediately think of you. The feeling you give me is indescribable, it fills my heart with joy and hope, and even if I feel bad, you’re always there to tell me that everything is going to be okay. You are my knight in shining armor.

The Right Person

One day, I hope you find yourself in a situation that will lead you to the right person.

I Thought You Were Different

I thought you were different from other guys. I was wrong. I was wrong to give you a second chance, a second chance to hurt me again. I hope you will never do this to any other girls anymore.