Beyond Measure

My husband, the man who loves me beyond measure.

Date And Flirt With You

My dear husband, I promise to always date and flirt with you every single day of our lives spent together.

My husband Loves Me

I know my husband loves me, because he puts with me, even when I’m moody.

The Greatest Hugs

I love my husband. That man has the greatest hugs ever.

Keeping Me Strong

Thank you husband for cheering me on, hugging me tight, and keeping me strong.

Adult Supervision

Your husband will always be your biggest and oldest child that requires the most adult supervision.

For All The Time

I want to be in your arms because even my soul feels peaceful. I thank God that you are my husband and I believe that you will always be there for me. And I will also be there for you all the time.

Loving My Life

I started loving my life till the day I met you. I love you my dear husband.