Love Can Connect

There’s nothing impossible with love. Love can connect two different world including two different people. Love can make their heart beat as one.

I Miss You Everyday

Some people believe that if a person really misses someone, the chances are, the object of their love feels the same way about them. I am pretty much sure that it is impossible for you to miss me as much as I miss you every day.

A Single Thought Of You

A day without a single thought of you is impossible.

In The End

Know that it will all work out in the end, even if you think It is impossible.

It’s Better To End

It's better to end something and start another than to imprison yourself in hopes for the impossible.

My Love For You

Ask me to describe my love for you and I will tell you this: Trying to describe my love for you is like asking someone to describe what water tastes like it's impossible to do and it's impossible to live without you.