Just Never Let Go

Find someone who'll never get tired of kissing you everyday, who'll hug you when you're jealous, who'll understandingly keep silent when you're mad, who'll squeeze your hand when you're not in the mood, who'll plan and imagine the future with you in it and when you find that someone, Just never let go.

Ill Always Think

I'll always think it's cute when you get a bit jealous. It shows that there is a little piece of you that is scared of losing me.

I May Be

I may be a bit selfish, I may also be a little jealous, but that's because I found something so precious and I don't want lose it or anyone else to have you.

Give You My Best

Sometimes I get sad, insecure, jealous, lonely, I overreact, and I make mistakes. But I promise I will always give you my best.

I Get Jealous

Yes, I get jealous. Yes, I get possessive. Why? Because what's mine is mine and sometimes I think someone might steal you away forever.

No Reason To Be Jealous

You've got no reason to be jealous, I've never been untrue; so who cares if they're looking, I'm only looking at you.

A Jealous Girlfriend

A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend, you should worry if she doesn't care.

Jealous Of My Heart

Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Because you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.