Love Is A Decision

Love is a decision. Instead of hating everyone on this beautiful planet, let yourself love each and every soul. Your heart will fulfill with gratitude and joy, and harmony enters your soul.

My One And Only

I can’t explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or see your beautiful face. You give me butterflies. You fill me up with joy and excitement; I think I finally found my one and only. I love you, baby.

So Much Peace And Joy

Your touch makes me feel like I have never been touched before. Your smile brings me so much peace and joy. Your voice is music to my ears. I love you so much, I want to scream about it from every mountain top.

I Will Never Stop Loving You

I will never stop loving you, because you give me courage and strength, peace and harmony, laughter and joy. You give me everything I need to feel a better person, and I’m ready to share it with the whole world. I love you, sweetheart.

This Kind Of Love Is Different

This kind of love is different. I feel its roots growing deeper and deeper every day, and it fills me with so much joy and excitement. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you.

Finding Love Is Hard

Finding love is hard. That’s why I will hold on to you no matter what happens. You brought so much joy and happiness to my life, I promise to make you just as happy each and every day. My love for you grows with every breath I take.

Sparkle And Joy

You are the one who adds sparkle and joy to my life! Thank you my love.

My Ultimate Goal

They say one should do things that bring satisfaction and joy. I’m pretty sure my ultimate goal in this life is to make you happy every single day, because there’s nothing as satisfactory for me as to see your perfect smile and your beautiful eyes sparkling with happiness.