This Kind Of Love Is Different

This kind of love is different. I feel its roots growing deeper and deeper every day, and it fills me with so much joy and excitement. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you.

Nothing Last Forever

You’ve been kind to me. You used to love me, I know that. But nothing lasts forever, and I don’t blame you for how you feel. I feel like I have to end this now, because we’re just torturing each other.

With Every Piece Of My Heart

I couldn’t have imagined that a man can be as kind and loving as you are. I love you with every piece of my heart, and I would never trade you for anybody else. Your every flaw is perfect to me. Thank you for being my man.

A Flower In The Wild

Just like a flower in the wild, you are one of a kind.

This Kind Of Love

I consider myself blessed to experience this kind of love with you. I love you!

Wrong Kind Of Love

There is no wrong kind of love, there is just love in so many forms, but never the wrong one.

The Right Kind Of Love

We know we are in the right kind of love when we love ourselves more in the process of loving someone else and you both grow together.

The Best Surprises

You were one of the best surprises love has ever been kind enough to give to me.