Kissing You Forever

I would be kissing you forever if it could tell how much I love you.

A Girl Worth Kissing

A girl worth kissing is not easily kissed.

Being In A Relationship

Being in a relationship isn't about the kissing, the dates or the showing off. It's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way that no one else can.

Just Never Let Go

Find someone who'll never get tired of kissing you everyday, who'll hug you when you're jealous, who'll understandingly keep silent when you're mad, who'll squeeze your hand when you're not in the mood, who'll plan and imagine the future with you in it and when you find that someone, Just never let go.

Our Love

Our love of each other was like two long shadows kissing without hope of reality.

Kissing The Wrong Person

Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight.

Kissing A Pretty Girl

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.

Loving You Is Like

Loving you is like a soft breeze flowing all around me, kissing you is like a sweet delicious sensation on my lips hugging you is like a  thousand soft feathers holding me tight and then I wake up and realize that reality is you don't even know I exist.