Make Us Stronger

Some people are not meant to stay. Some of them are just meant to teach us invaluable lessons. Thank them for dropping by and let go. They are not supposed to dwell longer in our lives but only meant to make us stronger.

The Best Lesson

I guess the best lesson that life could give is how to love people and let them in your life.

Take The Lesson

If it hurts more than it makes you happy then take the lesson and leave. You will be okay. Some people are only rehearsals for the real thing.

The Most Painful Lesson

You’re the most painful lesson I ever learned.

Breakup Lesson

Every breakup is a really important lesson to be learned.

The beginning of understanding

The end of love is not the end of life, it should be the beginning of understanding that love leaves for a reason, but also leaves with a lesson.

A Learning Lesson

Pain has a crucial role in our lives because it acts as a learning lesson which makes us wiser and more adequate in dealing with life’s idiosyncrasies. When we engage with our suffering completely, we reach a place where pain transforms into acceptance and love.

Never Blame Anyone

Never blame anyone in life. The good people give you happiness. The worst people give you a lesson. The best people give you memories.