Hellos And Goodbyes

Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. There will be times that we have to bid farewell to some people in our lives because they are not meant to stay. Keep the good memories in your heart and move on with your head up high.

Make Us Stronger

Some people are not meant to stay. Some of them are just meant to teach us invaluable lessons. Thank them for dropping by and let go. They are not supposed to dwell longer in our lives but only meant to make us stronger.

Never Meant To Be

Sometimes, we meet people in our lives who we thought would be our forever only to realize that it was never meant to be.

Two Lives Merge

In love, two lives merge into one.

Be A Cat

If I were to become an animal, I would be a cat. Because I want to love you until the day I die… and the 8 more lives after that.

Endless Happiness

Love is when two people make every moment magical. There are no dull moments with them. It is sharing lives, endless happiness, and always a joyful heart.

Two Lives Merge

In love, two lives merge into one.

I Love You Now

I love you now, I loved you when I first laid eyes on you and I will love you for the rest of our lives.