Keeps Me Living

You are my drug, the endorphin that makes me happy, the antibiotic that chases the flu away and the vitamins and minerals that keeps me living.

Feel Home And Special

I would never let go of the hand that makes me feel home and special. You make living worthwhile.

The Time To Start

Now is the time to start living the life that you’ve always imagined.

You Finally Came

I wouldn’t want to imagine how miserable my life would be if I haven’t met you. I am so glad you finally came to my life and make it worth living.

More In Love

I thought my love for you couldn’t get any stronger, but living with you each day makes me more in love.

Keep On Living

I will keep crying, I will keep sleeping and keep on living until I am recovered of all the pain you caused me.

Loving You Not My Choice

Loving you is not my choice. It is not my decision. It is my need. A prerequisite of living.

A Short Life

To love and be loved makes a short life worth while living.