I've been loving you for so long, I need to know if you love me or not. If you don't love me, please don't confuse me anymore. I don't want to be hurt or cry. I've had enough of that in my life.

A Car With No Brakes

Loving someone can be like riding in a car with no brakes. You know you might get hurt, but take the ride, at least you tried.

Love Yourself First

Sometimes you will get tired of loving and being hurt. But that’s what love is..You just need to take a break and start loving yourself first.

Loving A Girl

Loving a girl is like courting her everyday.

Better Than Loving

Sometimes caring is better than loving. Sometimes tea is better than coffee. Sometimes a smile is better than laughter. But nobody is better than you.

I Will Not Stop

Distance may keep us apart but i will not stop loving you.

Loving You Is Like

Loving you is like a soft breeze flowing all around me, kissing you is like a sweet delicious sensation on my lips hugging you is like a  thousand soft feathers holding me tight and then I wake up and realize that reality is you don't even know I exist.