If You Are Lucky

If You Are Lucky enough to find your weirdo, never let them go!

Find Someone

Find someone who knows how lucky they are to have you.

How Lucky I Am

I sometimes see your photos on Facebook and go WOW! Then I realize how lucky I am to have you as my girlfriend.

Lucky To Have You

You may not be mine anymore, but I'm still lucky to have you in my life.

Real Love Finds You

Real love finds you once, if you're lucky.

My Lucky Stars

I was thinking about how I thank my lucky stars every day that I ended up here… right here, with you.

You Are So Lucky

You are so lucky because the one I love, loves you instead!

Make Him Realize

If he left you, don't let him see that you are weak.. It is your chance to make him realize that he's lucky he met you and it's his loss that he left you.