Kiss Her

If she’s mad, kiss her.

Always Come Back To You

Even if I’m mad at you, I’ll eventually forgive you. I’ll always come back to you and tell you it’s alright. I’d rather make up and move on than argue.

The Tragedy Of Our Relationship

The tragedy of our relationship was that we were always mad at each other for not being made for each other.

Never Go To Sleep Angry

Never go to sleep angry. You never know if you or the person you're mad at will wake up the next morning. Always forgive because you never know if you'll talk to them again. Things happen. Get over it. Always forgive. You may not forget but its better than knowing you'll never get to say sorry or I love you again.

Be With Someone

Be with someone who wont, stay mad at you, who can't stand not talking to you and who's afraid of losing you.

Just Never Let Go

Find someone who'll never get tired of kissing you everyday, who'll hug you when you're jealous, who'll understandingly keep silent when you're mad, who'll squeeze your hand when you're not in the mood, who'll plan and imagine the future with you in it and when you find that someone, Just never let go.

I Get Jealous

I get jealous, I get mad, I get worried, I get curious. But that's only because I love you so much and I don't want to lose you.

Getting Mad Was Easier

I learned that getting mad was easier than being sad.