Just Like That

Just like that, I can not imagine my life with you. I can not imagine not missing you when you’re not around.

So Much Has Changed

It’s sad to realize that you are missing someone they can never be again because so much has changed.

The Most Challenging Part

Loving you seemed so easy, and you made it even easier to be in love with you, but never did I know that missing you could be the most challenging part. My heart aches from the pain of missing you.

Like A Puzzle

We fit like a puzzle. You complete the missing part of me.

What’s Worse

What’s worse than missing someone? It is realizing that they don’t even miss you a bit.

Always Something Missing

Losing you was like losing a limb. I could function, but there was always something missing.

When You Miss Someone

They say that when you miss someone, they are most likely thinking missing you too. I don’t think you can imagine how much I’m missing you right now that it’s impossible for you to miss me that much too.

Cold And Lonely

My nights are cold and lonely without you, but I guess this is another step to starting over. And one day, I will sleep without missing you.