I Am Wiser Now

I am wiser now than before. I promise I will never do the same mistake I have done with my past relationship. Break up taught me to be more wise and forgiving.

Love Will Teach You

Love will teach you everything about life. Just like a real teacher, love will help you learn from your mistake so that  you can be able to make it right the next try.

The Last Mistake

You can’t start the next episode of your life if you keep repeating the last mistakes.

Biggest Mistake

I’m sorry I was her biggest mistake while she was the best thing to ever happen to me. What hurts the most? When I see her around, she hides.

My Only Mistake

My only mistake is that I trusted you with your words and not with your actions.

My Love For You

Nothing could make my love for you fade away, not your mistakes, neither would your circumstances.

A Mistake Of Loving You

I never made a mistake of loving you. You became a part of me for a reason.

My Unconditional Love

Leaving me was not your mistake but giving you my unconditional love was my biggest mistake.