A Home Is Nothing But A House

I looked at the house with such great pain. Home. It is a sweet and foreign word to me now. Without you in it, what used to be a home is now nothing but a house.

My Whole View On Life

I had thought that life was a never-ending string of torments and pain before I met you. You have changed my whole view on life and helped me to see the good side of it. And I’m infinitely grateful to you for it.

The Sweetness Of Our Time Together

I knew that losing you would bring me nothing but devastation. Despite this, I took the risk and welcomed you into my life, hoping that the sweetness of our time together would make up for all the pain your loss would someday bring.

It Will Be Painful

Do not feel bitter when you lose someone. It will be painful, yes. But the pain of losing that person will only remind you of how much you’ve loved and how much of it was real.

The Pain I Am Hiding Inside

Look straight into my eyes and feel the pain I‘m hiding inside. But you have no idea how much it hurts… The constant thoughts of you are tearing my heart into pieces. The more I think of you the worse it gets.

Bound To Feel Pain

You are bound to feel pain and have your heartbroken. That is only natural, so just relax.

Forget All About You

If I get to be the one to choose, I would rather feel the pain than forget all about you.

I Stop Crying

Sometimes I stop crying because I am tired of it, and it wouldn’t make any difference anymore because the pain won’t go away.