Every Breakup

The worst part of every breakup is waking up in the middle of the night and realizing they are no longer by your side, and you start crying yourself to sleep.

The Worst Part

The worst part of loving someone is when you are already comforted hearing lies, and you start ignoring the truth.

The Bad Part

The bad part of trying to forget someone is the more you force it to happen, the more you remember them.

The Sad Part Of Being Broken

The sad part of being broken is realizing we can never go back in time to prevent things from happening.

The Saddest Part Of Loving

The saddest part of loving someone is when you still care for the person after all the hurt they have caused you.

The Most Challenging Part

Loving you seemed so easy, and you made it even easier to be in love with you, but never did I know that missing you could be the most challenging part. My heart aches from the pain of missing you.

A Part Of My Life

I cannot imagine how easy it is for you to say that you no longer want me into your life. I wish I could do that, but I cannot because you still are a part of my life.

Like A Puzzle

We fit like a puzzle. You complete the missing part of me.