Pleasure Of Carrying Burdens

No one takes pleasure of carrying burdens. Put it off and enjoy the walk.

Things That Are True

I’m in love with you. It’s not up to me to deny myself the pleasure of saying things that are true.

I Love What I Feel

Your thought has become a thing of pleasure for me, there is no day I wake up without you on my heart and I love what I feel. You are such a damsel angel the prettiest lady I have ever met in my life. I love you with all my heart!

All My Care

All my care is you and all my pleasure yours.

An Edge Of Pain

Every pleasure's got an edge of pain, pay your ticket and don't complain.

Being Loved

Being loved sounds good in the movies, in books, in the memories of people who’ve survived the rough beginnings of their love. In real life, in the very beginning? It’s every deep fear you’ve ever wanted to avoid all wrapped in the most intense happiness and pleasure you’ve ever dreamed possible.